Sunday, March 16, 2014

Some latex tips for blogging

Hi, everyone!

As you work on your blog writeups for the AU lab, here are some handy latex tips based on minor pointers I've been giving out as I've been reading blogs.

To get matching-ly sized parentheses, use \left( \right).  These commands demand a matched set; if you don't want to worry about this, or for some reason need just one big parenthesis, use \big( or \bigg(.

Put negative signs outside fractions, as \(-\frac{1}{2}\) looks better than \(\frac{-1}{2}\).

Make sure all superscripts and subscripts with more than one digit or symbol are inside a curly brackets: this makes the difference between
\(2^10\) and \(2^{10}\), which can be a significant one!

Use the symbols for Sun and Earth: for the Sun, subscript \odot, and for the Earth subscript \oplus, which show up as (e.g. for the masses):

You may want to use tables to display data: this can be a tiny bit of a pain, so here is a super-cool internet tool to make it easy!

You make the table how you want it, and the site generates the needed latex code.

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